Moonlight was created by Jared and Carly Knapp who wanted to improve the quality of their family life.With two young kids under the age of 2 getting the best sleep, lower stress and increase in energy is vital.They decided to use top quality supplements to focus on better health and recovery

The genesis of Moonlight was inspired by the poor sleep, high stress, and low energy our founders faced when raising their two beautiful 2-year old's. Jared and Carly Knapp were suffering from stress fueled sugar cravings, increased anxiety, low energy, difficulty shredding body fat, impaired focus, and poor sleep quality.

Our founders did not have the vitality they used to and understood that raising two young toddlers would require them to be at their peak mental, physical, emotional, and cognitive state. Jared and Carly realized that millions all over the world were suffering from identical health issues and needed help! Our founders with collaborated with world leading scientists, researchers, and formulators to synthesize optimal supplementation protocols to optimize their health, sleep, and combat stress!

Jared and Carly decided to share their health and supplementation protocols to help millions all over the world achieve optimal clean energy and live lifestyle where they don't have to rely on excessive stimulants and processed sugar. Our passion is to provide the gift of vitality to the undernourished, over stressed, and over stimulated people all over the world! Moonlight is the answer for those who have forgotten what 8 hours of restorative sleep feels like and accepted to live a low energy life. Join Jared and Carly on your new journey to a vibrant life full of vitality!